My name is Elise Greenspoon and I offer classes, retreats and workshops in Ashtanga yoga, Yin yoga, meditation and restorative movement, as well as healing therapies and lifestyle consultations. Since 2005, I have dedicated my life to studying and practising yoga in all its many forms and traditions, with an emphasis on Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and Vipassana Meditation.
Now, it is my mission to share the wisdom I have gained through my own experiences so that others can have access to these ancient and timeless methods of healing. With passion and enthusiasm, it is my intention to help others to feel happier, lighter and more comfortable in their bodies and minds so that they might live their lives to the peak of their potential.
I am eternally grateful for all the experiences that have changed me so deeply; for the teachers who shared their wisdom; for all the friends I have made along the way and for a system that has brought deep meaning and purpose into my life.
I am currently living and working in the Netherlands, offering my knowledge, experiences and services to all that want to truly change and transform on the deepest level of their being.
My teachers
I would not be where I am today, nor would I have the knowledge I have without the blessings of the teachers I have had the opportunity to study with. Since 2005 I have learned from many wonderful teachers and masters who have all added priceless wisdom and experience to my life. But out of all these teachers; masters and experts, there are three who remain very close to my heart.

B. Naga Kumar
I first met Kumar on my first trip to Mysore in January of 2010, and since then, his knowledge and wisdom has healed me, supported me and pushed me to live to the peak of my possibility.
A student of Osho and the late Deva Geet, Kumar introduced me to a whole new way of seeing the world through the intricacies of past-life regression healing therapy; ayurvedic massage; dynamic meditation as well as many other methods of meditation and self-development.
Kumar currently lives and teaches in Mysore India.

R. Sharath Jois and Saraswati Rangaswamy
In January of 2010 I made my first of many trips to the birthplace of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, Mysore India, to study with the grandson of the late Sri. K Pattabhi Jois, R. Sharath Jois and his Mother Saraswati Rangaswami. In december of 2012, I had the honour of assisting Sharath in the main shala which was incredibly educational and absolutely humbling. In January of 2014, I received his blessing to teach and a level 2 authorization certificate.
I have endless gratitude for Sharath and Saraswati who have provided a platform with their wisdom and experience which has allowed me to explore Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga in depth.
“Elise is wonderfully balanced. She is a person of both disciplined dedication and philosophical detachment, with love for tradition while practicing it pragmatically adjusted to the demands of modern life. Elise brings this all in her classes and workshops with heaps of energy and witty humor. Her wisdom is very inspiring. Elise made me fall in love with yoga.“ Ernst, Utrecht (NL)
“In my experience, Elise is a very warm and genuinely interested person, who is able to connect with you on many levels. She truly hears what you are saying and is able to provide solid advice, guidance and support in her own authentic way. It does not matter how much or little experience you have yourself, she can match you on all levels. Every gathering she is showing up, bringing her light to the people she is with and uplifting them with her bright spirit. If you feel this is something you would like to invite in your life, you are at the right spot! Highly recommended!“ Leo, Amsterdam (NL)
“The Sunday Satsang sessions and online retreats brought me a lot of insights and tools to help me find more balance within myself and inner peace. This wisdom is slowly and surely integrating and it really makes a shift, and all this is happening in such a loving and supportive community. It is really a precious Gift.“ Irina, Amsterdam (NL)
“If you want to meet yoga in action, meet Elise. Warmth, acceptance, genuineness, passion and dedication, that’s Elise.“ Gunita, Apeldoorn (NL)
“Elise brings real life experience to her yoga teaching, which can be best described as a humble wisdom wrapped in compassion and inclusivity.“ Jodi, Hamilton (Canada)
“Never met such a wise young lady with such an open heart! Her retreats are magic – they always allow for deep inner processes, which Elise supports closely and cordially.“ Cornelia, Berlin (Germany)
“At the time I met Elise, I practiced Ashtanga yoga for 1,5 years. At that point, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue the practice: I found it difficult to get on my mat and the practice seemed impossible to follow, I couldn’t find the strength. That all changed when I met Elise. She taught me that there is also a soft side to ashtanga yoga and that it is okay if I can’t get into an asana, I will get there. She taught me to be kind to myself, to be thankful for everything around me and that I’m capable of more than I think I am. Every class with her reminds me of that.“ Joyce, Utrecht (NL)
“Elise was my first yoga teacher and I have continued to learn from her over the last 10 years and I can not see it ever stopping.
Elise’s kind, patient demeanour, her knowledge in Ashtanga Yoga, Yoga philosophy, Ayurveda, Anatomy, Cooking, the list goes on, has kept me returning for more. I feel privileged to have her in my life and to call her a friend and teacher!“ Vivian, Ancaster (Canada)
“Thank you for sharing this matter of your heart and your wisdom with lightness, encouragement and loving kindness.“ Walli, Kleve (Germany)
“In our daily lives we feel sometimes judgement is holding us back, whether it is you yourself judging or others sharing judgemental words. When it comes to yoga, what it is, for whom it is, how you should do it and why, many things have been said. But whether you’re new to it or have been active with a form of yoga for a while, taking the time and investing in a retreat is a benefit for you long term. Because as it has been said experience is the path. Elise is dedicating her life to bringing this to all those who open themselves to the experience.
Bringing focus to an experience helps you integrate into your daily life. For this having a learned guide grounded in life, creating a safe environment for all to benefit from each other is a true gift. I’ve been lucky to have Elise as a guide in workshops and retreats and as a result been able to improve my surroundings by getting more and more aspects of yoga integrated. Getting the ashtanga practice in my body, studying the underlying philosophy, being part of a sangha.
Some or all of these terms might sound vague, but they become clear when you open yourself and give yourself access to the experience. By removing judgement, Elise creates a sacred space where all can feel the support of a group of humans looking to deepen what they feel or look for in life through the practice of yoga. Yoga is for all and a practice not a goal and Elise shows this through a human and balanced perspective that is rooted in her years of study.“ Casper, Groningen (NL)